Archive for the ‘New Years’ Category

>Bessemer Survives

January 2, 2009

>Bessemer is still here.

Some thought that the city was under attack when the gunfire began as we welcomed the New Year. Where the police were, who knows.

Oh wait, here’s a quote from a message I received, from a neighbor who was coming through town at midnight:

“As the light turns green and I pull away I notice, to my left about8-9 Bessemer police cars sitting in the Alley between the Regions bank and the Bright Star building. There were a few officers standing outside talking and a few of the cars were idling. (I could see the exhaust in the cold night air.) This of course infuriated me! How can the Police, who are expected to protect and serve the citizens of Bessemer be huddled up with their heads in the sand and not even respond to all the gunfire! It is illegal to discharge a firearm in the city of Bessemer.”

This year, a child was injured in Mobile when she was hit by a stray bullet. Who knows how much property damage is done by these fools. Not to mention the danger every one of us is put in, and the anguish it creates.

There has got to be an answer. this problem plagues communities across the state and nation.

For us more peaceful folk, we rang our bell.

This is an old locomotive bell that has been in the family for I don’t know how long. Maybe a relative who reads this knows more.

It’s loud. And heavy.

Then I came back inside and watched a little more of Dick Clark’s New Year, and saw this.

Did somebody squirt the mustard at her when they were dressing their hot dog? I guess that’s the new thing.

I don’t even know her name, but she sings well.

We had a grilled ham roast, collards with a touch of heat, black eyed peas with salt meat, and fresh pecan pie made with family pecans. Yum. What did you have for New Year’s Dinner?